Saturday, December 13, 2008

Former California Fire Department Employee Sentenced In $1 Million Embezzlement Case

Michael Acle Burton, 57, a former fireman with the Riverside County Fire Department, was sentenced Friday to 88 months in prison for his part in an embezzlement scheme that bilked the county out of more than $1 million. Burton was accused in January 2007, along with co-conspirator, Steven Edward Vaughn, 63, a paid "volunteer" firefighter, of arranging unauthorized contracts with Vaughn's company. Burton pleaded guilty in September to four counts of embezzlement, three conflict-of-interest charges and seven counts of falsifying documents. According to prosecutors, he spent the stolen money on vacations, stereo equipment and other personal items. The fraud occurred between 1999 and 2004, while Burton was working as communications manager for the fire department. The recent embezzlement cases have sparked a full audit of the department.

Read the story here, here and here.


  1. Hello.. Is this person still in Jail?

  2. For "Anonymous" ...
    No, he's no longer in prison. His 88 months (would include time served pending trial and sentencing) by my calculation would have had him released no later than Spring 2014, but very likely sooner if there's "time off for good behavior" or parole. I know for a fact he's not in prison now. He's living in Mexico just across the border from San Ysidro.

  3. A lot of fire radios and computers got water and fire damaged in 20 years.
    I guess he should have kept better track of all the e-waste.
    All the while, fire department responded to calls...
    This is why accounting oversight is more important than any public service.

  4. Anyone know how to reach Burton?
