Read the story here.
Sorry folks, but this is a slap on the wrist for a crime that went on for 13 years. She should have done some real jail time here, IMHO.
FraudTalk is a blog focused on the review and discussion of recent significant cases of fraud, corruption and employee misconduct - particularly major embezzlement cases in the US. Fraud Talk is published by Chris Marquet, Chairman & CEO of Marquet International Ltd., an international investigations, litigation support and due diligence firm.
Why is sahe not in jail. Others that do what she did would be jailed. Why is she so special that she does not have to spend time in prison. There are many others that do these things with no prior convictions and they go to prison. She works for Preferred Property MGMT. She needs to be punished just like everyone else. I have an issue with this not taking place, i lived on one of the properties that she over sees, and the shoty business practices that they do are wrong. Charging tenants that were evicted or moved are being charged for things that are normal wear and tear. SHE MUST PAY FOR WHAT SHE DID...