Thursday, April 8, 2010

North Carolina Man Charged With Embezzling $228K From Cellular Company

Bobby Jerome Glass, 41, of Wilmington, North Carolina has been charged with embezzling some $228,000 from Cellular Express where he had been employed as a district manager. Details are scant at this time.

Read the story here and here.
Developing... If anyone has details on this case. Please let us know.


  1. wow always new he was up to something! and not to mention they went threw new employees every 3 months lol

  2. i just feel so bad for his beautiful wife! its not fair to her i bet she never saw this comming,holla at me cutie if you need to talk

  3. oh and yeah 9 times out of ten the law sides with the employer? no how about you are such a liar and a theif i cant believe u i even looked up to you bobby wtf? even after you fired me still no hard feelings,,but comon man didnt you make enuff money already?

  4. It's called spell check man! USE IT!

  5. Bobby glass is the biggest liar,scammer,thief,and I hope he gets 5 yrs!! I will date his wife while he is in jail!! He also ripped us off!!

  6. FYI, Mr. Glass is expected to plea guilty to all charges on Thursday Sept 16, 2010 in Wilmington, NC. The proceedings are scheduled for court room 403 at 3PM. The court room is located at the corner of Princess and 4th St.

  7. On September 16th, Mr. Glass entered a guilty plea in a Wilmington courtroom which is in North Carolina's judicial district 5. He plead guilty to all charges related to this particular case. He was placed on probation for 5 years, ordered to serve 5 months in state prison, and to make restitution payment to the victim of the full $228K. As part of the plea deal, the judge is allowing him to serve the 5 month prison term in five separate 30 day spans (at least one in each 12 month period staring today). In other words, in each of the next five years he will have to serve 30 days in prison. For those of you whom he may tell he is going on "vacation for the next month", it's not going to be in St John this time!

  8. It's great that "Big Bobby" is getting this type of exposure for being a thief, evidently the judge that heard the case needs to find himself a new career because he did a very poor job of sentencing this shister. Our total society needs to be cleansed political figures, judges, lawyers they are all in bed together and slow killing the fundamentals of our nation.

  9. Bobby Glass has been and always will be a fine upstanding man. If you don't know the whole story then keep your mouth shut.

  10. I suppose that Mr. Cameron is getting his information from Mr. Glass alone. He may want to speak to the other party involved before he forms an opinion. The evidence against Mr. Glass is compelling (enough to entice Mr. Glass to plea guilty to the charges). If he wasn't guilty, then he should have stood in the courtroom and fought the charges instead of taking a premature plea deal offered by an asst DA. If that had happened then the whole truth would have been told and the true extent of Mr. Glass' thievery would have come out, resulting in a much stiffer sentence. Mr. Glass is getting off too easy. My thoughts...
