Monday, April 27, 2009

California Bank Manager Charged With Embezzling $650K From International Opera Star Client

Sokvoeun "Cindy" Sou, 27, of Alameda, California, and a manager with the Bank of Alameda, was arrested last Tuesday on charges she embezzled more than $650,000 from the IRA account of Kiri Te Kanawa, an international opera star. Sou allegedly withdrew funds on six occasions from Te Kanawa's account in the form of cashier's checks over the past year and deposited them into accounts she and her family members controlled. She was charged with embezzlement and forgery. An accountant for Te Kanawa did not recognize the signatures and notified the bank, according to reports. The precise loss is reported to be $651,715. Sou reportedly had a baby recently and was having financial difficulties, according to a relative.

Read the story here and here.

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