Monday, April 27, 2009

Louisiana Bank Employee Sentenced To 1 Year For Embezzlement

Shannon Freyou, 37, of New Iberia, Louisiana, was sentenced last week to one year in prison with four years suspended, for embezzling more than $100,000 from the IberiaBank where she had been employed. Freyou pleaded guilty to the charges after having been implicated by a co-conspirator, Brandi Peltier , 29, of Lafayette, Louisiana, who pleaded guilty to embezzling some $460,000 from the bank. Peltier is due to be sentenced in June. Freyou has repaid the bank some $73,000, but must make full restitution, according to her sentence. According to investigators, Freyou and Peltier created fraudulent accounts and withdrew funds based upon increased credit limits.

Read the story here and here.

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