Diana Lynn Farmer-Forston, 54, of Virginia Beach, Virginia, has been charged with embezzling $567,000 from the law firm
Bennett and Zydron where she had been employed as a bookkeeper. According to authorities, Farmer-Forston's scheme spanned a 4 year period ending late this past February. Farmer-Forston is accused of forging at least 210 checks from the law firm and depositing them into her own accounts. Media reports suggest she used the ill-gotten gains to support a lavish lifestyle, purchasing numerous luxury goods, a BMW and to fund an investment account at Merrill Lynch.
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There seems to be something in the water casuing an epidemic of embezzlement cases in the Norfolk-Virginia Beach area in recent years. By our count, there have been at least 12 major embezzlements in the area in the past couple of years.
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