Sunday, November 30, 2008
Oregon CFO Charged With Embezzlement
Read the story here.
Former Pennsylvania Nurse Recruiting Exec & Football Star Pleads Guilty To $400K Theft

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Former New York Bowling Exec Accused Of $274K Embezzlement; NY Chapter's Charter Is Rescinded

Friday, November 28, 2008
Minnesota Woman Charged With Swindling Business For Which She Was Bookkeeper
Read the story here and here.
Read the DA's press release on this case here.
Motion To Dismiss Ohio Securities & Mortgage Fraud Case Denied
Read the story here, here and here.
Connecticut Mortgage Broker Pleads Guilty To Mortgage Fraud

Read the story here, here and here.
Read the DOJ announcement here.
Georgia Attorney Sentenced To Nearly 5 Years For Mortgage Fraud
Read the story here, here and here.
Read the DOJ indictment announcement here.
Read the FBI sentencing announcement here.
College Business Manager In Texas Pleads Guilty To Embezzlement

Read the story here, here and here.
Sometimes recommendations and credentials aren't enough. Circumstances change in people's lives that cause them to step over the line ethically. In this case, Smart reportedly used the funds to pay for personal expenses. He may have had financial problems going into this position as the thefts occurred almost immediately after he was hired. I suspect if one dug into his background a little harder, some evidence would emerge to show he had financial or other issues. Recommendations may also not be accurate as most organizations allow staff to provide only "name, rank and serial number" for fear of being sued. However, there is a growing body of case law holding organizations liable for NOT telling pertinent information about why a candidate left a prior job.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Oregon Winery Bookkeeper Sentenced To More Than 6 Years For Embezzlement

Unnamed Washington State Bookkeeper Arrested For Embezzlement, Theft From Art Gallery
Read the story here and here.
Minnesota Woman Gets 3 Years For $175K Bank Embezzlement

Read the story here, here and here.
Read the DOJ press release here.
Wisconsin Woman Pleads Not Guilty To Embezzling $800K From Home Building Company
Read the story here and here.
Update (11/3/11): A new criminal defendant, Joanne M. Anderson, 48, of Exeland, Wisconsin, has now been charged with receiving $413,507 from her friend, Clark-Branton in this case. Faudulent checks in that amount were written out to Blue Hills Lippitt Morgans, Anderson's company. Clark-Branton pleaded guilty to felony theft and 30 counts of forgery in 2009 and was sentenced to 30 months in prison. She was also ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $960,000.
California Woman Pleads Guilty To Emebezzling $466K From Orchard
Read the story here, here and here.
Former Oklahoma Tribal Representatives Indicted For Fraud, Conspiracy
Read the story here and here.
Former Maryland School Superintendent Sentenced In Contract Funneling Scheme
View the video of Hornsby accepting a $1,000 kickback from Joffrion in a Bowie, Maryland hotel and agreeing to $100,000 in gifts.
Read the story here, here , here and here.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Bayer Healthcare Agrees To Nearly $100 Million Fine For Paying Kickbacks

Former Interior Department Official Charged With Taking Bribes
Read the story here.
We note that this is the second recent case involving public corruption in the US Virgin Islands. Read our earlier post here. It is unclear if the two cases are connected.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Former Deputy Director Of Tennessee Emergency Management Agency Indicted For Embezzlement

Colorado Woman Suspected In School District Embezzlement
Read the story here, here and here.
Minnesota Woman Sentenced To 18 Months For Embezzlement At Bank
Read the story here.
Read the DOJ guilty plea announcement here.
Is White Collar Fraud On The Rise?
- US Organizations lose 7% of annual revenue due to fraud, on average
- Annual losses, based upon projected GDP for 2008, will be nearly $1 trillion
- Average occupational fraud goes undetected for 2 years
- Average occupational fraud is $175,000
- More than 25% of occupational frauds exceeded $1 million
- Most common fraud is corruption, following by fraudulent billing schemes, each approximately 25% of total cases studied
- Most cases are uncovered as a result of tips, rather than audits
- Implementation of anti-fraud controls has a significant impact on reducing fraud losses
- Manufacturing, banking and insurance were the most likely industries to experience a fraud
- Small businesses are especially vulnerable to fraud
- Lack of internal controls most commonly cited as reason for fraud occurrence
- Occupational frauds most often perpetrated by the accounting department or upper management
- Occupational fraudsters are generally first time offenders - only 7 percent of cases studied
Read the ACFE's 2008 report here.
Here is a good article reflecting some of these statistics with the prediction that fraud is on the rise in an economic downturn.
I tend to agree with much of these findings. However, I suspect that the average size fraud and frequency of $1 million+ frauds are overstated. The reason is that this survey was conducted on a sampling of cases investigated by ACFE members which generally will miss cases on the lower end of the scale. Many fraud cases are simply too small to involve outside forensic accountants or investigators and are handled internally with no publicity. This is unfortunate, but a fact in modern society. The 7% overall loss number for US businesses has been around for some time and held steady for at least the 25 years I have been in the investigations business. Finally, with economic cycles, I would expect white collar cases to increase. However, there is always an ambient level of crime which fluctuates through the cycles. The dips and peaks may not be as pronounced as one might imagine. The fact is that in down cycles, when we would expect fraud to increase, so are organizations being more vigilant in their accounting and attempts to maximize profit. This factor, I believe, tends to shed more light on fraud cases. As my old boss Jules Kroll used to say (paraphrasing), "When the water starts to dry up in the river, the rocks begin to appear."
Monday, November 24, 2008
Update On Intel Theft Of Trade Secret Case: Suspect Former Employee Pleads Not Guilty
See FraudTalk's earlier post on this case here.
Read the story here.
2 California Men, Including Pastor, Sentenced In $28 Million Investment Ponzi Scheme
In September the two were indicted on 33 fraud counts, along with a third conspirator, Henry Jones, 54, formerly of DelRay Beach, California. The scheme involved enticing investors into an coal mine venture and gold transaction between Israel and the UAE with promises of incredible returns (as much as 300 percent). The three were convicted last July after a 3 week jury trial. Jones was arrested in Hong Kong in July and is expected to be extradited to be sentenced in early 2009. Jennings was originally indicted in October 2007 on three counts of mail fraud, 10 counts of wire fraud, six counts of securities fraud and one count of contempt of court. Simberg was indicted on three counts of mail fraud, 10 counts of wire fraud, six counts of securities fraud and two counts of contempt of court.
Read the FBI release here and here.
California Woman Indicted On $1.6 Million Embezzlement Charge
Read the story here.
See the indictment here.
Florida Steelworkers Union Treasurer Indicted On Embezzlment Charges
Read the story here.
Bush Issues 14 Pardons
- Daniel Figh Pue III of Conroe, Texas; convicted of illegal treatment, storage and disposal of a hazardous waste without a permit.
- Brenda Jean Dolenz-Helmer of Fort Worth, Texas; convicted of reporting or helping cover up a crime.
- William Hoyle McCright Jr. of Midland, Texas; sentenced for making false entries, books, reports or statements to a bank.
- Leslie Owen Collier of Charleston, Missouri; convicted of unauthorized use of a pesticide and violating the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.
- Milton Kirk Cordes of Rapid City, South Dakota; convicted of conspiracy to violate the Lacey Act, which prohibits importation into the country of wildlife taken in violation of conservation laws.
- Richard Micheal Culpepper of Mahomet, Illinois; convicted of making false statements to the federal government.
- Andrew Foster Harley of Falls Church, Virginia; convicted of wrongful use and distribution of marijuana and cocaine.
- Obie Gene Helton of Rossville, Georgia; accused of unauthorized acquisition of food stamps.
- Carey C. Hice of Travelers Rest, South Carolina; convicted of income tax evasion.
- Geneva Yvonne Hogg of Jacksonville, Florida; convicted of bank embezzlement.
- Paul Julian McCurdy of Sulphur, Oklahoma; sentenced for misapplication of bank funds.
- Robert Earl Mohon Jr. of Grant, Alabama; convicted of conspiracy to distribute marijuana.
- Ronald Alan Mohrhoff of Los Angeles, California; convicted for unlawful use of a telephone in a narcotics felony.
- Orion Lynn Vick of White Hall, Arkansas; convicted of aiding and abetting the theft of government property
Bush also commuted the prison sentences of John Edward Forte of North Brunswick, New Jersey and James Russell Harris of Detroit, Michigan, who were both convicted of cocaine offenses.
Bush has only pardoned 171 individuals and commuted the sentences of 8. This is less than half the number Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan made. Nevertheless, more are expected before the end of Bush's term. Among those who have petitioned for clemency is former financier convicted of fraud in the 1980s, Michael R. Milken.
See our entry on Milken in Marquet International's White Collar Rogue's Gallery.
Former Director Of Breast Cancer Charity Pleads Guilty To Embezzlement
Read the story here, here and here.
Yet another non-profit abused by its director. Lack of controls and oversight plague non-profits, especially a branch as in this case. Luckily Guinard was caught before she caused too much damage to the charity.
Convicted Ex-GenRe Execs Request Shorter Prison Sentences

See FraudTalk's earlier post on this case here.
Read the story here.
Former New Jersey State Senator Wayne Bryant Guilty Of Corruption

Read the story here.
The Philadelphia Inquirer has a great spread on the whole sorry saga here.
Read the DOJ's announcement of Bryant's indictment here.Read the indictment here.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tommy Hilfiger CFO Sentenced For $19 Million Embezzlement
Read the story here and here.
Read the plea agreement here.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
80 Year Old Nebraska Former Banker Pleads Guilty To $11 Million Embezzlement

UK Company Pleads Guilty To Violating Foreign Corrupt Practices Act - Agrees To $4.2 Million Fine
Read the story here and here.
See Willkie Farr's take on the Vetco guilty plea here.
Gibson Dunn also has a nice analysis on this case and the FCPA in general here.
Read also fcpablog's entry here.
See the DOJ announcement here.
Michigan Woman Accused In $2 Million Embezzlement, Turns Herself In
Former Illinois Bank Employee Embezzlement Trial Postponed For Writing Samples
Read the story here, here and here.
Pennsylvania Church Treasurer Sentenced For $1.1 Million Embezzlement

Friday, November 21, 2008
Bankrupt Iowa Car Dealers Indicted On 28 Counts Of Fraud
Read the story here and here.
FBI Releases Bank Crime Statistics For 2nd Quarter Of 2008
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has released its bank crime statistics for the second quarter of 2008. According to the FBI, there were a total of 1,443 reported violations at financial institutions, including 1,406 robberies, 28 burglaries and nine larcenies, between April 1, 2008 and June 30, 2008. Some of the highlights include:
- Of the 1,443 total reported violations, loot was taken in 1,311 incidents (91 percent). In contrast, loot was taken in 1,409 incidents (91 percent) during the first quarter of 2008.
- The total amount taken was valued at more than $12.6 million dollars. This represents a decrease from the previous quarter in which more than $15 million was stolen.
- A note was used in 815 incidents, a firearm was used in 373 incidents, and robbers threatened the use of a weapon in 567 incidents.
- Seven deaths occurred during this reporting period, including five perpetrators and two others. No law enforcement officers were killed responding to these incidents.
- Most violations occurred on Friday. Regardless of the day of the week, violations between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. were the most common.
Former Congressional Legislative Assistant Pleads Guilty To Illegal Gifts From Lobbyists

Read the story here and here.
Read the FBI announcement here.
Minnesota Man Sentenced To 8 Years For Securities Fraud Ponzi Scheme
Read the story here, here and here.
Washington State Couple Accused Of Embezzling From 2 Ad Agencies
Read the story here and here.
Obviously the temp agency did not do a very good job on the "criminal check." Here is the problem: most online criminal background checks are wholly inadequate. The records they cover tend not to go back far enough in time or, more likely, simply do not cover the appropriate jurisdictions and courts. We find that any thorough background check requires physical searches of indices in the jurisdictions in which the subjects have lived and worked. While this is still not a 100% certainty, it is much more thorough than relying on on-line indexes.
Missouri Man Sentenced To Prison In $2.8 Million Prime Bank Scam
Read the story here.
Read the SEC's litigation release here.
Read the DOJ's announcement here.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Idaho Woman Sentenced For Embezzling $400+K From Credit Union
Read the story here and here.
Read the FBI press release here.
Florida Law Firm Office Manager Charged In $1.67 Million Theft
Former Texas Banker Sentenced To Prison For Stealing From 2 Banks
Read the story here and here.
See the FBI announcement here.
Texas Mother & Son Arrested In $400,000 Embezzlement Case
Read the story here and here.
California Woman Charged With Embezzling
Read the story here and here.
Former Bay Area Non-Profit Finance Director Pleads No-Contest To Embezzlement
Read the story here.
Upstate New York Woman Charged With Embezzling $100K From Employer
Michigan Woman Charged With Embezzling $2 Million From Title Company
Read the story here and here.
Oklahoma Man Sentenced In $4 Million Bank Fraud Case
Read the story here and here.
Read the FBI press release here.
Utah Man Pleads Guilty To 56 Counts Of Fraud
Read the story here and here.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Massachusetts State Senator Wilkerson Resigns Following Formal Indictment

Read the story here.
Read the DOJ press release here.
Read our previous post on Wilkerson here.
I agree with state senator Hedlund. Wilkerson should have done the right thing from the outset and resigned.
SEC Charges Tennessee Investment Firm With Fraud
See story here and here.
NY Arts Philanthropist Convicted Of Investment Fraud In Jury Trial
Disbarred Virginia Lawyer Sentenced For Embezzling $500+K
Read the story here and here.
See the Virginia State Bar's disbarment decision here.
Delaware Woman Pleads Guilty To Various Frauds, Including Embezzlement
Read the story here and here.
Indiana Man Charged In $6 Million Bank Fraud Scheme
3 More Sentenced In Florida HIV-Infusion Medicare Fraud
Read our earlier posts on related cases here and here.
Read the FBI release here.
Eric Holder Tapped To Be Next AG

2 Indicted For Defrauding Investors In Ponzi Scheme

Read more of the ongoing saga, here, here, here and here.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
New York Executive (With A History) Charged With Securities Fraud
Read the story here, here and here.
See the SEC complaint here.
This is a good example of failure to do one's due diligence. Nymex should have resolved the Cassidy criminal past before making their investment. See our article on Conducting Effective Due Diligence and the Top Ten Resume Lies.
Texas Woman Arraigned In Health Care Embezzlement Case
Read the story here, here and here.
Read the DOJ announcement here.
Today is female embezzlement day. Read on below...
Former Pennsylvania Town Treasurer Sentenced For Embezzling

Texas Woman, Longtime Civic Leader, Sentenced In Embezzlement Case
Read the story here, here and here.
Once again, a non-proft gets looted by its executive director. Lax controls, typically due to lack of funding, are generally the cause. Speculation in this case as to motive seems to be that Mills sought to maintain a certain lifestyle as her husband's law practice suffered.
Former Head Of Texas Credit Union Faces Embezzlement Charge
Read the story here.
Virginia Corporate Accountant Sentenced To Prison For $757K Embezzlement
Read the story here.
Former Aspen Tech CEO Receives Probation For Financial Statement Fraud
Read the story here, here and here.
Massachusetts Man Pleads Guilty & Sentenced In Embezzlement Case
Read the story here, here and here.
Read the AG's announcement here.
Mark Cuban Accused Of Insider Trading By The SEC
California Law Firm Administrator Accused Of $1 Million Theft
Read the story here and here.