Margaret Mills, 67, of Waco, Texas and longtime executive director of
Downtown Waco, Inc., a redevelopment agency, was recently sentenced to 9 years in prison for stealing from the agency. Mills was originally indicted in November 2007 on charges of felony theft, but plead guity to a lesser charge of third-degree felony theft. Prosecuors alleged that Mills deposited as many as 116 checks - donations meant for the agency - into her personal accounts, totalling $237,000. Investigators believe she stole as much as $511,000. Mills' arrest and conviction shocked the Waco community, where she is reported to have served as a tireless advocate and champion for the rehabilitation of Waco. Her husband,
Coke Mills, is a prominent attorney in town.
Read the story
here and
Once again, a non-proft gets looted by its executive director. Lax controls, typically due to lack of funding, are generally the cause. Speculation in this case as to motive seems to be that Mills sought to maintain a certain lifestyle as her husband's law practice suffered.
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